Just over one year ago I was excited to try diving while in Jamaica at our favorite resort. I signed up and took the Discover SCUBA diving course, sometimes referred to as the “resort course”, to give it a try. I hated it. It really upset me though. I couldn’t keep water out of my mask, was super uncomfortable and anxious the whole time causing me to not complete the dive in the ocean. This bothered me on a deep level. I was ashamed that I quit just because something was uncomfortable. So I decided to try again but work towards fixing the issues. I went and got fitted for a mask and snorkel and used it as much as possible.

One year after my first attempt I decided to have a re-do for the discover SCUBA course. This time I was prepared – had my own mask and shaved my mustache. I fell in love with it. I was way more comfortable in the water, enjoyed myself, and more importantly overcame the obstacle holding me back – myself.
The resort staff of course wanted me to learn to dive with them but I was half way through our stay and didn’t want to take time away from Amy or our friends who where also at the resort. So I decided to take the courses at home with my local dive shop and return certified so I can actually dive without the instruction time.

So I did a couple days in the pool at home then signed up to finish the course in Florida – because you should know me by now – I love the warm climate. Sadly Amy couldn’t join me as she was working and I wasn’t sure how long class would be and would hate for her to just sit and watch me. The drive through rural Florida was beautiful. But the weather was a huge improvement over being home.

I spent the next couple days performing skills I learned in the pool in actual open water. We dove the Rainbow River – Drift dive and then Ginnie Springs with the Santa Fe river.
As with all my experiences it seems the people I meet added the most value. My instructor and several of his family (all divers) were funny and more importantly – welcoming to me.

In the end I passed my skills, the final exam and gained a huge amount of confidence compared to my first attempt just over a year ago. Now I must gain experience but this will add a new dimension to my travels.

Where will I go next? Where should I dive?
Seek adventure and get busy living.